How to login ClubMaster Exchange (CMX)
You can only enter ClubMaster Exchange (CMX) if you are logged in to ClubMaster.
Your ClubMaster username and password automatically grant you access to ClubMaster Exchange.
After login you will be automatically re-directed to your Member Homepage.
There are TWO (2) ways to visit CMX.
1. Select ‘Visit CMX’
A reminder that the ClubMaster Club doesn’t look like this. We are a virtual club….but one day….post Covid…if we were to have a bricks and mortar club….perhaps we could take some inspiration from here.
You will be re-directed to the ClubMaster Exchange site.
1. Scroll down to view all listings on the Exchange.
2. Search listings – type in a key word eg: Painting
3. Select location – Optional unless you would like to narrow down the location.
4. Select Categoy – Optional unless you would like to narrow down the search criteria.
5. Select Price Range – Optional unless you would like to narrow down the price range search.
6. Search Listings – Required to start search.
How to navigate ClubMaster Exchange (CMX) Menu
1. ‘All Listings’ – this is your CMX member home page. This page will list all current listings and Featured listings will be displayed first.
2. ‘About Us’ – similar to the CMX homepage when your not logged in.
3. ‘All Portfolios’ – when you want a different visual way to view the portfolios.
4. ‘By Portflio’ – a scolling row to display the portfolios…..trying to cater to different viewing styles.
5. ‘New Search’ – you can refine what it is you are looking for.
6. ‘Listing Form’ – list your products or services on the ClubMaster Exchange (CMX)
7. ‘FAQ’ – grab a drink and some snacks and have a read.
8. ‘Fees’ – If you join the Affiliate Club you will be earning more than you spend!
9. ‘Shop’ – Products listed for sale or rental through the ClubMaster Shop.
10. ‘Contact Us’ – we want you to succeed, so let us know how we can help.
11. ‘My account’ – your CMX account dashboard where you can see your orders, account details.
12. ‘ClubMaster’ – click this and your back into the ClubMaster Member Homepage where you can start searching clubs.
All Portfolios
3. ‘All Portfolios’ – Scroll down to the Portfolio you want to search, click on the image or See More button.
By Portfolio
4. ‘By Portfolio’ – Listings are displayed by portfolio in rows. Scroll down to the portfolio you would like to view and use the < > to scroll through the listings.
New Search
5. ‘New Search’ – Enter your search criteria.
Listing Form
6. ‘Listing Form’ – List your products or services on the ClubMaster Exchange.
For more details on how to list