Frequently Asked Questions
Who is ClubMaster?
ClubMaster Pty Ltd is a Membership company, headquartered in Australia, providing a suite of tools to assist with personal, professional and commercial development, efficiency, and networking throughout the community.
What is ClubMaster's Mission?
To significantly enhance the brand, the revenue, and the lifestyle of its Members.
What are the benefits of ClubMaster Membership?
For clubs, associations, and special interest groups, ClubMaster works to help deliver more membership, member engagement, and networking opportunities. For businesses, ClubMaster provides targeted marketing and sales opportunities, direct trading opportunities, and tools for improved community engagement and business efficiency. For individuals, ClubMaster provides a vehicle for sourcing clubs, associations and special interest groups, plus numerous other benefits.
ClubMaster is also delivering a broad range of tools to facilitate and support trading between its Members, including opportunities for revenue generation.
How does ClubMaster enhance the brand of its Members?
Your brand may be a personal brand or a business brand. ClubMaster is intent on building a network of quality individuals and entities, and effectively promoting Member to Member (M2M) engagements at all levels of life. This starts with your Member Profile, which is then added to various Member Directories to assist Members in making targeted searches. We will be constantly improving and refining our Profiling Tools in a bid to fully understand you, your interests, your objectives, your target markets, acquisitions, investments, sporting and social preferences.
How does ClubMaster enhance the revenue of its Members?
Our core initiatives for developing Member revenue include the following:
- Profiling of your business, and/or yourself, for presentation to the relevant ClubMaster Members, which we hope will increase business sales, secure employment, etc.;
- ClubMaster eXchange (CMX), a trading portal for specific promotion of your offerings both to ClubMaster Members and to the general public;
- Other means of generating revenue will be released in later releases.
How does ClubMaster enhance the lifestyle of its Members?
Life is a composite of many facets, many of which don’t revolve around work, business, investing.
At ClubMaster we’re endeavouring to bring your life substantially into one place, so ClubMaster can be your virtual home under one online roof.
One of our many goals is to provide opportunities for M2M engagement in the areas of leisure, travel, tourism, recreation, sport, and health and well-being, which will lead to an improved overall lifestyle for ClubMaster Members.
Come along, we’re on the job and we’re very committed. Join us today.
Who is ClubMaster eXchange?
ClubMaster eXchange (CMX) is a division of ClubMaster Pty Ltd, incorporated in Australia. The role of ClubMaster eXchange (CMX) is to provide a central register to enable trading directly between ClubMaster Member sellers and buyers. CMX enables Members to list property, automotive assets, plant and machinery, various other products, services, investments, charities, and employment and other opportunities across some 27 portfolios.
What is the relationship between CM and CMX?
CMX is the exclusive trade exchange for ClubMaster Members. CMX benefits financially from Listings and Transactions conducted on the Exchange.
What can I buy and sell on the ClubMaster eXchange?
Whilst there are a number of exclusions by virtue of legal and licensing requirements, CMX has invested in developing a thoroughly broad-based Listing platform for the benefit of ClubMaster Members, which we propose to continually improve and expand.
At present the platform includes Real Estate, Aircraft, Plant, Vehicles, Vessels, Parts and Equipment, Travel, Accommodation, Tours, Hospitality, Business Investments, Intellectual Property, Financial and Professional Services, Trade Services, Household Items, and many more.
What are the record keeping requirements?
To quote from the ATO website:
“Members of trade exchanges must keep records that record and explain all business transactions and other acts they engage in that are relevant to a particular sale, importation, purchase, dealing or entitlement. The records must be kept for five years after the completion of the relevant transactions or acts.
In addition to ordinary accounting documents, this may include:
- invoices and receipts
- purchase orders, delivery dockets, contracts and barter scheme statements
- other relevant documents, such as the application for membership of the bartering scheme, the rules of the scheme, and any other documents governing the relationships between members, and between members and the trade exchange.”
What is the cost of my ClubMaster Membership?
Members of the public are invited to Subscribe for free, which will provide limited access to the ClubMaster resources. All ClubMaster Membership levels incur a Joining Fee and a Monthly Fee. The Membership you choose should relate to the benefits you’re seeking from your association with ClubMaster. CMX is only one element of the value of ClubMaster Membership. You’re welcome to review all Membership Options here.
What is the cost of listing with CMX?
Standard Listing Fees are subject to variation from time to time at the absolute discretion of CMX.
Please visit the Fees & Charges page.
No refunds are provided, in part or whole, if Listings are cancelled or otherwise removed for any reason whatsoever (including but not limited to removal by CMX under the CMX Terms of Business), or the item is sold. To be clear, the Listing Fee is payable whether the Listing is online for one day or for the full listing term.
If I complete a trade, what is the related cost in fees and charges by CMX and CM?
Unless the selling Member is a ClubMaster Associate (which will be declared for such items), CMX charges no fee and receives no commission on the value of a transaction. All fee structures are subject to the Terms of Business.
Please visit the Fees & Charges page.
Okay, how do I become a ClubMaster Member?
Please visit the ClubMaster Memberships page, select your required level of ClubMaster Membership, complete the online Membership Application, and pay the relevant Joining Fee (which will be reimbursed in full if your Application is declined). If additional information is required, our CMX Team will be in touch.
As a ClubMaster Member, how do I list my first product or service on CMX?
Please visit the Online Listing Form and complete it as required. If you have any issues please reach out, and the CMX Team will attend as soon as practicable.
Come along.
This is just the beginning.
We're working hard to make your future better.
The only trading hub you need
Buy, sell, book, hire, rent, recruit, invest
Member benefits, revenue opportunities

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Have we missed your industry or occupation altogether?
Is your sport or area of interest not represented?
No problem, just contact us here and we'll look at adding it.
Or if there's anything else you'd like to discuss, let us know.
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